Friday, February 15, 2013

Admit, Commit, and Drop~
SSMT verse #4

I have recently been struggling with a couple specific areas in my life that have truly hindered my well being and left me feeling frustrated and defeated.  I tell myself "I'll be o.k... I can expose myself to these areas as long as I practice moderation and resist the temptation to fall into the trap of over indulgence".  Sadly, I have not done this. 

God word tells me to confess your [my] sins to each other and pray for each other so that you [I] may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective. (James 5:16)  I am confessing my areas and asking any prayer warriors reading this post to pray for me to break the pattern of over indulgence in these two specific areas and to repent from the sin that results~

First, I spend too much time reading FaceBook which initiates mixed feeling thoughts of a small group of people's actions/behavior; most of the people my "mixed feeling" thoughts are toward I don't even really know except through FaceBook. I spend about 60-90 minutes a day (accumulative) on this social network site, but then I fall into the trap of filling my mind through the day (many hours worth) of things people posted.  We live in a society of people who are narcissistic, self centered, and have a desperate need for attention and approval of others and this is the area that I am frustrated about; FaceBook is a breeding ground for this behavior. It causes me sadness to see constant posts from people who fit this catagory; I take it as an opportunity to pray for these people.  I wonder, am I also posting things that are narcisstic, self centered, or a need for attention and approval of others?  Yet, even though I know the time I spend on this website could be used for more productive things, I continue, thinking I see a lot of good things on FaceBook that encourages me.  Why does the bad stuff consume my thoughts and lead me astray in my thought life? I enjoy FaceBook for the purpose of keeping in touch with friends and family, many of who are long distance from where I live. I like seeing their family photos and keeping in touch with what's going on in their lives. For this reason, FaceBook is good and I will miss the connection I get in this way. 

Second, I struggle with over eating chocolate candy which results in unhealthy, high empty calorie consumption.  I've  always loved chocolate candy since my youth and have had many binges in this area!  I suppose a person like myself who comes from addictive behavior genetics, chocolate isn't a bad thing to be addicted to when you consider some of the alternatives.  But no matter the temporary comfort I receive from eating chocolate candy, it's false, not healthy and leaves me with the feeling of shame and remorse. I try to exercise portion control, but I fool myself and one piece results in a spiral of an all or noting attitude; 1 piece of candy ends up being 20+ pieces of candy; one candy bar ends up being 6 candy bars. This is not good for my physical body or a way to honor God spiritually. I recognize, to some extent, chocolate candy has turned into a false god.  May sound silly, but for me is true.

I have selected my memory verse for Siesta Scripture Memory Team (SSMT) Verse #4 from Hebrews.  This verse is God's loving encouragement to me to put these things out of my life... these things that keep me from what I should be doing (NLV) or like the Voice translation states, I am to drop every extra weight, every sin that clings to me and slackens my pace, the run that God has set before me. Thinking about it, why would I want these things in my way to slow me down... to weight me down in my long race called life?

As someone who has recently started running for exercise, this verse speaks to me on so many levels!

All these many people who have had faith in God are around us like a cloud. Let us put every thing out of our lives that keeps us from doing what we should. Let us keep running in the race that God has planned for us. 
Hebrews 12:1  New Life Version (NLV)  

...let us drop every extra weight, every sin that clings to us and slackens our pace,and let us run with endurance the long race set before us. (The Voice Translation)

Lord, help me live out this verse! Going forward today, I want to let go of these things that hold me back, so that I can focus on doing what I should... focus on You!  I pray this in your holy name, Jesus, Amen.

1 comment:

Lana Luke said...

I can completely relate to both of your worries of over indulgence. Facebook has been a hard one for me. I probably do post too much, but I try to use it as a way to help people. There are several people who I did not really know until I joined Facebook. I have been able to give and receive much needed advice, cheer on some people who really needed cheering on and have been able to help others in various ways. If you use it as a tool for good, plant seeds of love and try very hard not to get pulled into the negative or drama, it can be used to reach those who may feel isolated, alone and abandoned. At times maybe I do use it to find encouragement when I am feeling down. As for chocolate-I am currently trying once again to choose healthier snacks but am often tempted. This week I am being good, last week when I was emotional I had to work hard not to go buy a bag of candy to drown my sorrows.