I had the greatest time hanging out with my new Siesta Gal Pals~ Audrey, Bridgette, Jean, Lisa, and Miranda January 22 & 23 in Houston Texas. These Siestas, and many others I got to know (through LPM blogging) all committed to memorizing Scripture (24 verses) in 2009. Bible teacher, Beth Moore challenged her blogger gal pals ("Siestas") to choose a Scripture every two weeks, memorizing it, and posting each on the LPM Blog the 1st and the 15th for accountability. As a reward, Beth invited any Siesta who blogged in at least 20 of the 24 Scriptures to join her for a celebration! It was Wonder-FULL!
Pink boas were seen all over Houston; an ID we decided to wear as a way to identify a fellow Siesta. I TOTALLY claimed Psalm 91:4 over myself and each Siesta I saw wearing her Girly God Feathers! Just over 500 Siestas gathered from all over the country for celebrating the awesomeness of God's word, His faithfulness and Him being our "everything". We had praise and worship with Travis Corttrell, a teaching from Beth (Psalm 119), time for fellowship, and time to share our verses we memorized. It was a weekend I will cherish in my heart forever. Thank You, God!
... a teaching on Psalm 119 (176 verses!)
Lisa (from Texas), me, and Jean (from North Carolina)
For a more complete overview of the weekend, visit this post from Amanda.
Looks like you all had a great weekend - really happy for you!
I agree with everything you said - and it is a weekend I will treasure forever! :)
Fun pics, Teri!
Oh the memories that were made this past weekend...PRICELESS!!!
Can you believe it has been a week? Where did the time go? What memories!
Awesome! I love me a little Beth Moore!
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