Jessie has wanted her ears pierced for a long time. Every time she would ask, we told her she had to wait until her "double digit" Birthday (age 10), but decided to let her have them done early... her 9th Birthday. On Thursday, October 14, we went to the local mall and she picked out her birthstone (light pink) to be her first ear rings. Watch her facial expression as the second needle went in; too funny!
TODAY, October 15!
Our family tradition is to have the birthday child's bedroom filled with balloons when they wake up on their birthday morning. (Jessie is under the glob of pink blanket)
To celebrate her Birthday, I took a cookie cake to her 3rd grade class to share with her classmates. The class sang "Happy Birthday", then ate their treat.
We also will have a "family birthday party" a day after her birthday, tomorrow- Saturday, Oct. 16, since the Tuloso Midway High School Homecoming is tonight, the night of Jessie's birthday... we will be at the game since big sister, Kelsie, is on the homecoming court (a different upcoming post).
We love you!
Happy Birthday Jesse! I have never met you but wanted to say happy day! Wow and pierced ears, how wonderful!
I think you did it the right way; I pierced my ears for my 13th birthday in my girlfriends backyard with an ice cube, a potato, a needle and well you get the idea! Wow that makes me sound old!
Anyway enjoy all the pretty earrings for many, many more happy birthdays!
Happy Birthday Jesse, your grandmother Jerielle is my husband's niece, so how are you related to him and I, your mother can figure that out. Anyway I too have a October birthday, it is the 3rd. And I am now 80.And Terry @La Bella Vie is our daughter-in-law and her husband who is our son also has a October birthday, his is the 9th.
Love to you Aunt Betty
Oh I loved watching the birthday earpiercing with you guys. What a great tradition with the balloons! Tell Jessie we were all thinking of her on her birthday and talking about funny stories of when she was little. She is getting soooooo grown up now.
Love you guys!!
I too was 9 when I got my ears pierced a year early (such a rebel). Her facial expression....I love the face she makes! And the comment is priceless.....:"Owwwwwww! Mommy, it huuuuuuuuurts!" I think that is what we all said. Too funny!
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