Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Siesta Scripture Memory Team, Verse #8

"...In this world you will have trouble. 
But take heart!
I have overcome the world."
John 16:33 (NIV)   SSMT #8

This is Jesus speaking to his disciples- His closest followers- in the upper room during the Last Supper prior to His crucifixion.  He is also speaking to you and I- His current day disciples/followers, through this verse. 

I chose this verse to plant in my mind and heart because this world is indeed filled with trouble and I need the encouragement from Christ, that He gives me in this verse. 

As I read between the lines, I am reminded that "this world" is my temporary home... that my time in "this world" is only for a moment compared to the eternal home I have with Christ in paradise. 

In different Bible translations, the word "trouble" in this verse (John 16:33) also translates to, tribulation, oppression, difficulties, suffering, distress, and frustration.  That pretty much covers much of what we go through in our everyday lives here on earth, "in this world". 

When Christ states He has "overcome the world", I am again encouraged that His death "in this world" was only a death of His physical body.  He lived His life on earth sin free in a world filled with sin. He rose from the dead three days after a brutal crucifixion for the sacrifice of all sinners who believe in Him and is alive.  He gives this same gift of life with Him here in this world AND eternally in paradise to anyone who believes in Him.  Christ Jesus has indeed overcome the world. This reality, I surely take heart!

Today I begin to memorize John 16:33 with an attitude of gratitude to Jesus that He is my Savior.  Through Him I share in His victory and joy that He has overcome the world for you and me!

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