My blogging on our
Home Renovation progress has been quiet these days, mostly because the progress has been slow going and fragmented. Since November 2010 (over the past 6 months), Kirk and I have been working simultaneously on about 6 different areas of the house - a little bit here, there, and everywhere- very hit and miss! It has been a bit overwhelming and getting ANYTHING FINISHED with these six areas has felt like a far distant dream. There have been weeks where we are unable to work on any remodel projects because family and life events take priority; the kids have kept us busy with their school activities. Summer is here, and we're getting some time to press forward and get things done.
I'm thrilled to report that several areas ARE getting "FINISHED" (finally!) ... enough for me to blog before and after pictures which is like a "closure" of the project.
Here is our newly renovated MASTER BEDROOM:

Notice the window air conditioner unit? The previous owners used this to help cool this room on top of the regular central air that worked for the entire house. Three of the four walls in this room are hit directly by the south Texas sun most of the day and like the whole house, this room did not have any insulation in the walls, not to mention the single pan windows with poor caulking; it got VERY HOT & STUFFY in the summer.

Joe loves to pound on the walls and demo! - even in his Sponge Bob P.J.'s! All drywall in this room had to be removed.

... a place where there at one time used to be a window! We found two other previous window openings that had once existed on the opposite wall. This room once had 5 different windows (three now covered by wall)! I wonder if it used to be a sun room at one time years ago?

R13 insulation in the whole room! ...and the brown door? It's getting replaced!
Here's the AFTER of this particular corner~ we have kept the walls all white to help it feel like a bigger room, crisp and fresh. And we love the new door!

MORE DEMO and repair... from another angle.


After adding insulation, we finished the walls with 1/2" drywall covered in "bead board" panels. To trim off the room we added crown moulding and over sized baseboards.
This Master Bedroom is smaller than what we're used to (because it's an older house), but we've managed to fit our things in it and make it nice and cozy.

New bedroom carpet (professionally installed) meets up with our laminate wood floor (Kirk and Teri installed) from the hall area outside the master.

Close-up showing the bead board and crown. This room originally did not have any trim around the ceiling, so this crown and corner pieces are a nice added detail. The windows are new energy efficient double paned windows with 2" Bali (faux wood) mini blind.