FOR ANYONE WHO DOES DRY WALL FOR A LIVING! Hat's off to you. Dry walling takes patience and is truly an art form I have learned!
We have been getting the kids' bedrooms moving ahead these past several weeks with getting the walls fit for new drywall, installed, plastered, and finished out.
Kirk and I put up new 1/2" dry wall on the 3 bedrooms- replacing most of the 1/4" stuff that was on there. After installing the drywall, we've learned that "taping" & "mudding" the seams, getting all the finishing work done is a lengthy and time consuming process. All to be done in preparation of primering and painting. WOW! about labor intensive!!! I have muscles hurting I forgot I had.
Joe helping with cleaning.
Before we finished putting up the dry wall, we had the kids write their favorite verses and anything they wanted to express on the walls of their bedrooms that would be under the drywall.

Andrew has always had a small concern of this house being haunted since it's over 70 years old. He's asked several times, "do you think there's ghosts in this house?" When we told the kids to write things on their walls, he decided to include a word of protection on his wall.
I wrote a special message on each of the kid's walls...

"I love Jesus" written by Jessie.

Joe had a certain Super Hero on his mind when he did his wall writing!

I've become quite the "pro" at cutting dry wall!
The stages of "taping" is a messy job! I'm SO READY for a shower & manicure!
Jessie and Joe's Room (before closet, above)
Jessie and Joes's room (after closet added)
Andrew's room

Kelsie's Room

Kelsie paints her room "Spring Cactus" by Glidden.
The orange ceiling fan HAS TO GO!
We are currently at the place of getting the painting on the walls finished and have ordered the new carpet- a nice neutral frieze by Mohawk. We will hopefully have the carpet installed (by professionals) no later than April 23 (according to who we ordered it from).
Besides getting the painting finished, the other things we'll be working on in all the bedrooms over the next couple weeks in preparation of the kid's having their rooms done:
- install new doors and paint them
- install door hardware
- replace ceiling fans
- caulking around all windows (inside)
- caulking around air conditioner ceiling vents (to prevent further condensation which has been an ongoing problem)
- paint and install door & window trim molding
- paint and install base boards
- install new 2" Bali wood blinds (faux wood , that is)
- add customized units to Kelsie and Jessie & Joe's closets
- DECORATE the rooms to feel fresh and cozy!
We are starting see this phase of renovation FINALLY coming close to an end! I will soon be able to post the official "after" pictures! I can't wait!!!