Sunday, October 2, 2011

The Power of NOW~

The Lord has been working on me lately in the area of putting things off. I know I'm not a procrastinator by nature, but lately I've been challenged in not prioritizing certain things and falling back on the excuse, "I can do it tomorrow". My "tomorrows" have strung in to a long list of sad yesterdays. Can you relate?

My next memory verse for Oct. 1-15 is Deuteronomy 30:11. This verse will remind me that the things God has called me to do to serve Him, He commands me to obey Him NOW, and TODAY (not tomorrow or yesterday). It's like giving Him the gift of my time and sense of urgency in His kingdom priorities; being more God-centered than self-centered. He gives me power and encouragement through Scripture in obeying Him now and today... and, there's blessing behind every act of obedience- I know it and EXPECT IT!

Now what I am commanding you today is not too difficult for you or beyond your reach. (emphasis mine) DT 30:11 (NIV) SSMT #19

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